Trees and transport for all.
Not traffic and tarmac.
We're a group of concerned local residents who have been taking our government to court since 2021 to stop the A38 Derby junctions road scheme.
We want to save our environment and protect our health from the £250 million pound disruptive expansion.
What is the A38 Derby junctions scheme?
This is a National Highways (formerly Highways England) scheme funded by the government. It was estimated to cost between £200 - £250 million back in 2019.
The consultation was in 2015, before the declaration of a climate emergency and laws, and the COVID pandemic which has changed our travel behaviour and needs. It only received 739 responses.
The planning inspectorate examination between 2019 and 2020 received 31 relevant representations, 13 written representations and 721 questions in the first round. Many were objections from local residents and environmental groups.
National Highways estimates the construction work will take 4 years. In addition to flyovers and underpasses, the proposed scheme would widen the A38 to 3 lanes around each of the three junctions and for the entire stretch between Kedleston Road to past Kingsway roundabout.
During this time the A38 will be shut and traffic will likely divert through Derby city centre, smaller roads and residential areas. There is no traffic mitigation plan in place yet.
The proposed Kingsway junction would comprise a dumbbell roundabout arrangement and linkages at existing ground level, with the A38 passing beneath the junction in an underpass.
Little Eaton
The proposed Little Eaton junction would comprise an enlarged roundabout at existing ground level with the mainline of the A38 being raised on an embankment and passing above the roundabout on two overbridges to the east and south of the existing roundabout.
The proposed Markeaton junction would comprise an enlarged two-bridge roundabout at existing ground level with the A38 passing beneath in an underpass to the south-east of the existing roundabout with slip roads connecting the A38 to the new roundabout.
Why is the scheme not the solution?
The scheme will come at great environmental and financial cost and will actually facilitate an increase in traffic.
It would be much better to spend the money on improving public transport which would create long term affordable and accessible options for everyone, and would reduce congestion.
As shown on page 5 of this government letter, the primary purpose of this scheme is to create additional road capacity to enable more developments, especially on greenfield sites to the West of Derby.
National Highways planning documents also predict an increase in emissions from additional traffic.
When that additional capacity is created for a minimum of 11,000 developments, the roads will fill up again. The A38 road layout was last updated in the 1980’s for the same reasons of facilitating development and reducing congestion, but within 20 years, there was talk of expanding it further.
Studies have shown throughout the years that new roads don’t ease congestion, but make it worse, because the ‘induced’ traffic fills up all of the new road space and spills over onto the rest of the road network.
National Highways tree felling plans show the loss of thousands of trees including an irreplaceable, nearly 300 year old veteran oak tree.
11.38 hectares of woodland will be cut down for the A38 expansion. According to National Highways own biodiversity statement, the scheme will result in the complete loss of the A38 Kingsway roundabout Local Wildlife Site. They will only replant 6.40 hectares.
It will take decades for those saplings to offer the same benefits to wildlife, shade, noise & visual screening and carbon storage.
That may never happen as extreme heat from the climate crisis has caused saplings planted as mitigation in other road schemes to die with replanting costing millions.
On page 38 in these National Highways documents there is a table showing minimal NO2 (nitrous oxide) concentration reductions in some areas (with increases in others) from predicted traffic growth and road realignment.
However those NO2 levels are not in line with the latest World Health Organisation recommended safe air quality levels.
Derby City Council admits in their Air Quality Action Plan that the A38 road works will make air pollution worse in the city during construction.
National Highways have also admitted that there will be noise increases for many residential areas.
There are currently no traffic mitigation plans in place for the four years of roadworks and closures of the A38.
The government’s decision letter acknowledges that the construction will cause driver stress and ” there would likely be increased congestion and delays to parts of the local road network during the construction phase and there is a degree of uncertainty about what the precise extent of that would be”.
Due to the location of the works, this will impact access to key areas in our city such as shops at Kingsway, Royal Derby Hospital and the University of Derby.
Many local residents and businesses have faced “compulsory purchase orders” where the Government has forced them to sell their property for the scheme. As an example, the houses on Queensway opposite Markeaton Park have now been boarded up for years.
There will also be a loss of public space from Mackworth park and Markeaton park. In total this will be the same as 10 football fields of green space.
How do we stop the scheme?
In 2021 we successfully stopped the scheme through our first legal challenge. The government issued a revised proposal in August 2023 so we launched a second legal challenge.
Despite our best efforts, the High Court ruled in favour of the Department for Transport and National Highways, but we refuse to give up. We are appealing this decision and urging the new Labour Government to scrap the scheme for good and save much needed money.
Unfortunately although effective, legal challenges are expensive. This time we need to raise a total of £90,000.
Any amount is greatly appreciated and all funds go directly towards legal costs.
Add your name to our petition to cancel the A38 Derby Junctions Scheme.
Supporting us on via Facebook, Twitter (X) and Instagram increases our visibility and awareness.
Spread the word with your friends, family and colleagues via e-mail, WhatsApp or word of mouth. Lots of people have no idea this scheme is happening so please let them know.

Thank you for nearly 1,000 pledges